More on Christmas

What exactly does the Bible say about birthdays? The Bible has not given any importance to the birthday celebrations. Job and Jeremiah cursed it (Job 3:1-11, and Jeremiah 20: 14-15). Only two birth celebrations are mentioned in the whole Word of God, one in the Old Testament, that is of the Pharaoh of Joseph’s time, a cruel king, and another one in the New Testament which was Herod a very ungodly king. On both these occasions tragic events took place. On Pharaoh’s birthday, he hanged his chief baker (Genesis 40: 20-22) and on Herod’s birthday he beheaded John the Baptist, the forerunner of Jesus Christ. (Mark 6:21-28). Because God has made all days equal and wants people to worship Him in the same tempo and manner on all the other days of the year as well.

You observe days and months and seasons and years. I fear for you, that perhaps I have labored over you in vain.” Gal. 4:10
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3 Responses to “More on Christmas”

  1. Stacy Says:

    Understanding that Christmas is really based upon the Roman pagan holiday Saturnalia, which encompassed many seriously gruesome sins and indulgences, and then was adopted by Christians in the early church to try and win over these pagans, is really quite frightening. I, for one, have always held Christmas very dear to me. The mistake would be to seriously consider it a Christian holiday- as it is clearly not. In fact, I suppose, knowing the history of its roots, Christ would find it extremely patronizing, disrespectful, and insulting. I, for one, will continue to enjoy this time of year for the warm memories of my family that it affords me. I will continue to find joy in pulling out my decorations and seeing my christmas lights glow in the darkness. I will continue to enjoy giving to others, as I always gain great pleasure out of it. But I will not make the mistake again of mixing these human indulgences with anything faith-based or christ-like.

  2. Trish Says:

    “It’s the largest celebration around the world each year. . . .If you stop to think about it, it is astounding that the simple unassuming birth of a peasant boy born two thousand years ago in the Middle East has caused such a commotion–his birthday even causes traffic jams in places like New York City Tokyo, and Rio de Janeiro. Even YOUR birthday is dated by HIS birthday”. . . as well as every event in the world.

    If you choose to take Christ out of the largest holiday in our social, earth-bound world, then you will be giving into the atheist. And there are many people who do celebrate in ernest, just as there are many people who are hypocritical.

    Celebrate Christ at Christmas. . . . Celebrate Christ year-round–But certainly don’t become cynical and jaded because of the world in which we live. Good for you Stacy for keeping an open perspective and finding ways to rekindle your love for Christ and teaching it to those around you using any means and every way that you can.

    Plus I’m pretty sure God is aware of the earlier Roman celebration. He’s probably quite pleased that he didn’t have to turn Rome into a Sodom and Gomorrah, but used his Son to make the change in our hearts.

  3. anthony saracini Says:

    okokokokok ..OK
    Very good points. Every one.

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