“Life without love is really worthless,” according to Rick Warren who is discussing a message from Paul. My priorities often tend to take on the menial tasks that somehow must get done on a daily, weekly, monthly basis. However, these are never really my true priorities. Like many of us, I create sticky notes and task lists to cover my computers, desks, kitchen cabinets and refrigerator, and even the dashboard of our car. But nowhere on these lists do I ever write “Don’t forget to love thy neighbor tomorrow” or “Remember to love God before lunch today.” In the back of my mind, I hope that everything that I do will revolve around the act of love. However, unless I put it right in front of me, the important things often get pushed aside. My priority list becomes a list of what must be done according to someone else’s priority and timetable. Instead I would like my priority list to become what must be done according to God’s priority and timetable.
There are two important loves:
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