1. God is Love

This is the first post on a series of posts I have chosen to do on Love. I will use the well known Love chapter found somewhere in the New Testament. I hope you enjoy it and are blessed by it. We are all blessed in many ways, but my hope in this is that YOU will see God’s Love in your life and in those around you.

“Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not charity, I am become as a sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal.”
1 Corinthinians 13:1

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Not a good start already. And the world’s wisdom speaks to this. Everyone knows that love is more than words. But even more than the words of angels? Surely angels must say very nice things. Apparently their words are not much more important than our words in the absence of charity, or love. And notice Paul’s choice of comparison. Does he say “I am become as a reunited family.”? or “I am become as a man saved from certain death.”? No. he says, “I am become as a sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal.” In other words, other than make a lot of noise, cymbals don’t really do anything. Yet, like words, what they often signify is very important and sincere. Nowadays, cymbals signify the start of the chorus in your favorite pop song, yet classically they were a symbol of something more important: the entrance of a king, ceremonial service and probably, I’m sure, a few pop song choruses of the day. You may have noticed the ‘cymbal’ and ‘symbol’ likeness. That is because they actually come from the same ancient word: kymbalon in Greek and cymbalum in latin both meaning a sign or a token of identity.

Cymbals do draw a lot of attention to themselves. And then they fade. What is left is either love or the absence of love. The choice is ours.

This entry was posted on Monday, June 14th, 2010 at 7:11 am and is filed under The Love Chapter. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

2 Responses to “1. God is Love”

  1. Trish Says:

    Are words true signifiers? I like the comparison to symbols that Paul makes, and I especially like the etymology that you’ve used to deconstruct the ideas. So historically, cymbals were used to draw our attention to something of great importance. And yet, you started by saying, that they don’t do anything—save make a lot of noise. Which direction do you really think the passage in taking us? Cymbals, like words, are signifiers, then, to a deeper meaning that might not be adequately expressed through the meagerness of language? Or does deeper meaning, and possibly the words as well, shift and change? Last thought….Although cymbals eventually fade, don’t they reverberate, the sound spiraling outward like waves in the water when a pebble hits the surface? If so, then words can be used to spread to others a single thought, or even an abstract idea, that would have otherwise remained hidden. Very cool blog! :)

  2. Stacy Shull Says:

    I am so glad that you decided to blog about God’s amazing love. We are nothing without this. We are everything with this. I am looking forward to every word. Sharing your insight and understanding of God’s Word is going to be such a blessing to so many.

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